How to clean German Shepherd ears: useful methods, step-by-step procedure, problems and diseases

How to clean German Shepherd ears: useful methods, step-by-step procedure, problems, and diseases

If you decide to get a dog, remember the need for regular grooming. In particular, you need to clean dogs’ ears regularly. Read more about how to clean the German Shepherd’s ear in this article.

How to clean German Shepherd ears

The need to clean the German Shepherd’s ears

Before proceeding with the question, of how to clean a German Shepherd’s ear, it is important to determine the need for a procedure. Many people wonder, should I clean German Shepherd ears? It should be noted that the knowledge of the world by dogs is carried out through smell and hearing

The sense of smell in dogs is 10 times stronger than in humans. That is why you should monitor the condition of the nose

Particular attention should be paid to ear cleaning to avoid irritation. Only in this way, it is possible to maintain the health of the dog, as well as it is the usual way of life.

How often do you clean your German Shepherd’s ears?

You need to clean the German Shepherd’s ears with clear regularity. It is recommended to do this while swimming. If you bathe your dog several times a month, this frequency of ear cleaning can be insufficient.

Many people ask, how often do you clean a German shepherd’s ears? If the German Shepherd does not have health problems, in particular allergies or chronic inflammation, ear cleaning should be carried out at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

For work, you can use special universal cleaners. However, you must first consult a veterinarian

Cleaning German Shepherds’ ears too often and aggressively can cause ear infections. After all, there is a possibility of irritation, as well as a change in the acid-base balance in the ear canal. You risk damaging healthy microflora.

If you use an ear-cleaning solution that is not intended for dogs, other problems may arise. It is best to consult your veterinarian first to determine the best ear-cleaning solution for your pet.

How to clean German Shepherd ears:  useful methods,  step-by-step procedure, problems, and diseases

How to train a dog to clean his ears?

It is recommended to engage in training from a young age for the dog when German Shepherd ears stand. At first, you can lightly stroke your pet’s ears. Most of them like this kind of activity. When petting your dog, always talk in a gentle voice. In the process, wipe the dog’s ear.

Periodically inspect the ears, and run your fingers along the outside. To make it easier for the animal, you can treat or play. Don’t forget that the more often you touch your dog’s ears, the easier it is to teach brushing.

Optimal solution options

To care for German Shepherds, it is better to purchase a base ear-cleaning solution. You can use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, however, first, you need to consult a doctor.

Alcohol-containing substances can dry the skin and irritate it. The dog may experience pain if there are minor sores. Peroxide is not also the best option, as it can provoke irritation. Especially if it is not diluted with water.

You can use home cleaning products for the dog’s ears. For this, solutions of apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil are suitable. You can use other essential oils for the German Shepherd’s ear that have antibacterial properties.

To determine the correct concentration, you should first contact your veterinarian. This allows you to safely clean your German Shepherd’s ears. All products should be distinguished by a balanced acid-base balance.

The structure of the ear of a German Shepherd

First, you need to determine the structure of the German Shepherds’ ears. Everything we describe in more detail is below.

The auricle and ear canal

Dog ears consist of 4 parts. This makes them look like human ears. The difference is in the auricle. This is the outer part of the ear that can be observed. It helps the animal to show their emotions.

German Shepherds have a vertical auricle with a wide opening. The dog’s ears can move on their own. At the same time, an open dog’s ear canal prevents many diseases

Erect ears are more breathable, so your ears are not sweating all the time. This prevents the development of bacteria and yeast. Small Shepherd pets have floppy ears that are slightly bent down. However, at the age of 8 months, floppy-eared dogs have standard raised ears.

According to statistics, 18-20% of Shepherd dogs have weak ears. There are times when the ears do not rise at all. Because of this, the animal is more susceptible to ear infections

What is behind the dog’s ears?

Dogs of the German Shepherd breed are distinguished by an external auditory meatus, which is shaped like the letter L. The first part is directed downwards. After that, an acute angle is formed, which is directed towards the inner ear and ear canal. Thanks to the horizontal part, the process of cleaning the GSD’s ears is facilitated.

The structure of the ear in dogs is such that you cannot damage the eardrum. However, you still need to carefully choose ear care products. There is the eardrum between the middle ear, ear canal, and the outer part.

If the middle ear becomes infected, it can spread to the eardrum and cause it to rupture. Sound propagation is carried out through the stirrup and anvil. The main purpose of the inner ear is to balance sounds. If ear infections are in the middle ear, the inner ear may also be affected.

Possible problems affecting your dog’s hearing

Dogs of the German Shepherd breed face several ear problems. Cancer tumors develop very importantly in the middle ear.

The vast majority of animals have food sensitivities as well as contact hypersensitivity. This can provoke an allergy.

How to clean German Shepherd ears:

The most common causes of ear infections

The GSD’s ear infections can develop for a variety of reasons. The most popular of them you can find below.

Allergic reactions

Some German Shepherds may be sensitive to food or the environment. Sources of allergies can cause a weakened immune system, as well as various ear problems, including deafness.

Ear mites

These are small parasites that are almost impossible to notice. They are encountered by puppies or adults who live with infected cats. For diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinarian. After all, the work is carried out using the study of a smear from the ear.


Some pets may come across yeasts that take up residence in the skin and ears. With the growth of organisms, various infections can appear. Allergies or immune system disorders may develop.


Bacteria can cause an ear infection. They may be classified in different ways. To determine their presence, you need the help of a doctor. The diagnosis is based on visible changes in the ear. Especially if the case is running.

It is very common to see a population of healthy bacteria in the ear. When they are destroyed, bacteria, pathogenic fungi, and yeast can penetrate inside

Certain types of bacteria cannot be diagnosed. Special diagnostics are required, as well as long-term treatment.

Diagnosis may be in the form of otoscopy, examination of the contents of the ear under a microscope, and testing for allergic reactions.

A general blood test may be required. It aims to eliminate the underlying diseases.

Signs of ear problems

Dog ears are highly sensitive. Therefore, problems can be seen with the naked eye. There are several symptoms that something is wrong with a dog’s ears. Namely:

  1. The animal constantly shakes its head or tilts it.
  2. Redness of the outer and inner ear.
  3. Constant scratching of the ears.
  4. Loss of hair, or it tangles near the ear. This happens because the dog itches.
  5. Unpleasant odor from the ear. This indicates bacteria and yeast.
  6. The secretions. They can be different in the shade; however, they are all considered abnormal.
  7. Constant eye twitching. This may indicate vestibular disease or problems in the brain.
  8. Edema. Infections and inflammations may be accompanied by edema.

What is required for work?

Many people wonder what can I use to clean my dog’s ears at home. To clean your dog’s ears at home, prepare:

  • two napkins or rags made of soft material;
  • cotton balls. You cannot use sticks;
  • cleaning solution approved by the veterinarian;
  • a toy or treat if the dog is restless.

Cleaning procedure

After preparing the tools, you can proceed to the main stage of work. More details about all stages you can find below.

Create a calm environment

How to clean German Shepherd ears: useful methods,  step-by-step procedure, problems, and diseases

First, you need to calm the dog. It is best to do ear cleaning in an environment that is familiar and safe for the dog.

There should not be any factors that distract. If the animal is nervous, tense, or afraid, it is better to give it more time to prepare.

You can clean your ears on the floor, on a table, or on another flat surface. If the dog is comfortable, take the puppy in your arms.

If you don’t want to make a mess, go to the backyard. Make sure your German Shepherd is focused and calm


How to clean German Shepherd ears

Step-by-step work

Many people ask, how do you get the black stuff out of a dog’s ear? All work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Make sure the dog is calm and still.
  2. Use the solution exactly according to the instructions.
  3. Use a cotton swab or damp cloth to wipe the inside of the ear. Try not to damage the auricle.
  4. Use a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture. However, you do not need to rub the skin hard.

There may be sticky deposits on the napkin. This indicates an ear infection. Therefore, you should contact your veterinarian.

How to clean German Shepherd ears: useful methods,  step-by-step procedure, problems, and diseases

As you can see, it is not difficult to clean the ears of a German Shepherd. Especially if you have already chosen the right cleaning solutions, and also accustomed the animal to the process. If an ear infection is suspected, contact your veterinarian


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